Schedar, also known as Alpha Cassiopeiae, Schedar is an orange giant around 230 light years from Earth and is the brightest star in the constellation, it has a mass around 4 times that of the sun and a radius around 40 times larger. Gamma Cassiopeiae, with no traditional name this star is known as Gamma Cassiopeiae. Ruchbah, also known as Delta Cassiopeiae, Ruchbah appears as a single star in the night sky but is actually a pair of binary stars, the larger of the two stars is a white subgiant around 4 times larger in diameter than the sun. The magnificent constellation is one of the 48 constellations that were listed by Ptolemy in the 2 nd century. It is visible at latitudes between 90 degrees and -20 degrees. Segin, also known as Epsilon Cassiopeiae. The constellation Cassiopeia, Queen of Ethiopia, can be seen in the northern hemisphere all year long.

(a) There are 5 main stars in the Cassiopeia constellation.

CBSE Previous Year Question Papers Class 12.CBSE Previous Year Question Papers Class 10.NCERT Solutions For Class 6 Social Science Cassiopeia is one of the ancient female constellations that date back to the era of Greek mythology around 3000BC.NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Social Science.A line extended from Schedar through Caph, the rightmost stars of the W, leads to Alderamin, the brightest star in Cepheus. So, the next time you gaze towards the night sky, try to identify the constellations in. These constellations can be easily spotted even in cities as they are bright enough. The shape of the pattern resembles a W or an M. Its brightest stars form Cassiopeia’s W, a prominent northern asterism that can be used to find the fainter Cepheus. Cassiopeia is another constellation that can be observed in the winter sky during the early night. NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Social Science Cassiopeia rises in the northeastern sky in the evening.