Otherwise, your game might get messed up. Oh, one final note: Be sure to wait for the page to finish loading before you select your next move. If you want a hint, press the “Hint” button and Mancala Web will suggest a move for you. To play just click on the pit from which you’d like to move. Enter a name that will appear on the Mancala Scoreboard, if you do well enough, and press the “Play Mancala” button. The new computer player has three settings: “Easy”, “Intermediate”, and “Difficult”. To play, first select a difficulty level. The winner is the player with the most seeds.

The player with seeds remaining gets to put them into their Kalaha. The game ends when all of the pits on one side of the board are empty. All captured seeds, as well as the capturing piece, are placed in the player’s Kalaha. If the last seed is placed in anempty pit on their own side of the board, then they Capture the seeds in the opposite (their opponent’s) pit. If the last seed in a play is placed in the player’s own Kalaha, they get another turn. Seeds are not sown in the opponent’s Kalaha. Seeds placed in a Kalaha are points for that player. Each seed in the pit is then placed, one at a time, into the successive pits, moving counter-clockwise around the board. To play, the player chooses one pit from which to “sow” the seeds. At the beginning of the game, each of the (12) playing pits contains 3 seeds (or beads or stones or balls or whatever).

Mancala is played with seven pits - six playing pits plus one score pit, the Kalaha - per player.
This should provide a more challenging game than the rudimentary code in my original game. This particular incarnation uses computer player code by Geoffrey Irving (I never found time to write better code myself, and Geoffrey was kind enough to offer his). My Mancala is one version of these games, also called Kalaha. Mancala games are among those ancient games that last and last because the rules to play are simple, but the subtleties of winning take a long time to master.