Rcdefaultapp review
Rcdefaultapp review


Trans­mis­sion: The best tor­rent client for OSX.Us Win­dows switch­ers are used to mod­ding every­thing, so this is a fab­u­lous tool. Tin­ker­Tools: To mod­ify the many sys­tem pref­er­ences in your OSX that should have been made tinker-able but are not.


The best part: CleanApp has a "Log­ging" ser­vice that keeps track of what­ever you install, and then knows in gran­u­lar detail every­thing that you need to unin­stall later you can enable and dis­able this log­ging ser­vice at will, so it is use­ful to keep it gen­er­ally off and only switch it on before you are under­tak­ing a seri­ous install of soft­ware, such as Final Cut Pro from Apple for example. CleanApp 3 tells you all the asso­ci­ated trap­pings of these appli­ca­tions and allows you to unin­stall them all together.CleanApp is not free, alas (there is always a poor man's App­Cleaner, which does some basic stuff) but it allows for much more gran­u­lar con­trol. Many appli­ca­tions (think Adobe) install sev­eral things in sev­eral loca­tions.


Don't believe for a minute when the OSX man­u­als tell you that on a Mac all you need to do is drag the appli­ca­tion into the Trash and you're done.

  • CleanApp: The best appli­ca­tion unin­staller out there, hands down.
  • Of course if you get really frus­trated there's always the tried and tested VLC Player. If you want to be really equipped, get the Divx codec, the 3ivx, and Flip4Mac which plays wmv (Win­dows Media Player) files on your Mac. Sud­denly your Quick­time (and iTunes) will be able to play a whole raft of video for­mats. There's a nice video tuto­r­ial here that shows how easy it is to install and then for­get it.
  • Per­ian: No Mac should be with­out this.
  • But­ler: Another small util­ity with a neg­li­gi­ble foot­print that allows for some nifty short­cuts to stuff already on your machine.
  • RCDe­fault­App is the appli­ca­tion that allows you to do that superbly, and then some. On Mac OSX, we do have the same right-click con­tex­tual menu as Win­dows that allows "Open with " and "Make this the default appli­ca­tion", but for some rea­son this doesn't always work, and occa­sion­ally doesn't even show up as an option.
  • RCDe­fault­App: Just as it is on any OS from Win­dows to Ubuntu, it often hap­pens that you would like to asso­ciate cer­tain file types with cer­tain appli­ca­tions.
  • Allow (or Deny) it to con­nect only once, or until the appli­ca­tion quits, or For­ever. Great flex­i­bil­ity in allow­ing the pro­gram to con­nect to a server, a port, or in gen­eral.

    rcdefaultapp review

  • Lit­tle Snitch: Tells you every­time some pro­gram on your machine wants to "call home" and con­nect to some server.
  • Some­times, if you have the plea­sure of expe­ri­enc­ing a sit­u­a­tion when the Trash won't clean because OSX says that the "Appli­ca­tion is still in use" but you're sure you quit it and it's not live any­way, MainMenu's "Force Empty Trash" is a fab­u­lous tool to have at your fin­ger­tips. Bet­ter than most other tools I have tried for this pur­pose, espe­cially in its clean inter­face. Cre­ates a neat lit­tle menu item on the top bar.
  • Voalá, everything plain-text based is now being opened in sublime.Update: Here's a great list of things to do.
  • Restart MacOS so the system recreates .plistĭefaults write / LSHandlers -array-add ''.
  • Removed the ~/Library/Preferences//.plist.
  • In my case I have been already using Sublime for some longer time with previous releases and also with previous MacOS releases.

    rcdefaultapp review

    In my case it says it's com.sublimetext.4 (depends on the version of the sublime you have installed.) I've checked the CFBundleIdentifier inside of the /Applications/Sublime So I had previous sublime entries inside of it and I think that were the confusion was coming from. I think it's due to mixed entries in ~/Library/Preferences//.plist I had the same problem on Big Sur 11.6.1 - Intel

    Rcdefaultapp review